Hyperbole house

project of matter architects

role: visualisation +design

The futuristic hyperbole house is designed for the World Architectural Festival 2023 competition. The design is inspired by the rugged and isolated cliff-top site where the house will be built and draws from the Māori Te Aranga design principle Mauri Tū to protect and maintain environmental health. The building features a woven exoskeleton shell, the scales move in response to predominant weather and sun patterns, and energy is generated via integrated photovoltaic cells. 

 One of the biggest challenges for the Hyperbole House project was bringing the matter vision of the exoskeleton shell with thousands of individual scales to life in the render. There was a clear idea of how the scales should look and move and how they should create a living cloak for the house. It was important that the design looked visually stunning and emotionally impacted people who saw it. 

The overall effect of the design is to merge the house with its surroundings, including the land, water, sky, and spirit. Throughout the project, Kolin Din and matter collaborated closely to ensure the visualisation accurately reflected the house's design and vision.

The hyperbole house is a finalist of World Architectural Festival 2023 in Future Project: House

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